Taurus is the second sign of the Western Zodiac. If Aries is a bright eyed newborn, Taurus is an eternal toddler. That 3 year old that grips on tightly to toys and other material things and refuses to let go, at least in a symbolic sense. Aries, having the influence of Mars, can be hasty and sudden. Venus-guided Taurus can be patient and calm and inert as a stone. Yes, a rock. As an earth sign, and a 'fixed' one at that, you become rigid and uncompromising at times. Others will feel restless, nervous or rushed and you remain mostly unfazed. You're a bit Zen Buddhist about the world around you.

You are a lover of material things and comfort. So is everyone else, you say? Consider that person with three or four planets in Sagittarius in their chart who goes off wandering the world searching for knowledge and not caring at all for possessions or money, staying in hostels wearing the same thing three days in a row. That's not the typical Sun-Taurus, unless they have three planets in Sagittarius (or Gemini) themselves. YOU value objects and property. Many Taureans are collectors. Not just of fine crystal or porcelain, some are comic book collectors or fill their homes with knickknacks like souvenirs or teddy-bears, toys, etc… Any sun sign, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, etc, with prominent Taurus planets in their astrological chart will exhibit these qualities of materialism.
The mouth, throat, and neck are areas of stimulation or health issues in this sign. Taurus tends to be picky about the texture of foods. While some have delicate, fairy features like Audrey Hepburn or Michelle Pfeiffer, MOST have bold prominent features like a strong jaw, large mouth or nose. Cher, Barbara Streisand and Salvador Dali are more typical Taurean faces.

While the element of earth does give you some degree of practical sense and keeps you from being as extremely, EXTREMELY EXTREME as Scorpio or Aquarius (also fixed), you too tend to act in a somewhat black or white fashion. You know exactly what things (or people) you love and which ones you don't. You are rarely grey on any matter and are usually VERY decisive. For instance, Pisces or Sagittarius would be more inclined to find things like flavors, colors and styles to be "ok" or "so-so", or say things like "not sure" and "whatever". You on the other hand either LOVE or dislike flavors, colors, and more serious considerations. You make up your mind very, very quickly. Of course all of this is a simple generalization. A "Taurus" with many planets in Gemini will make the Solar Taurus more flexible and less decisive. Aries planets in their birth chart will give them a certain degree of impulsiveness.
I saw a comment somewhere by an observer that the shirt should have said "Own It" instead. And funny enough I actually thought of that very same one when I was deciding on a saying. But I went with "spend it" because I felt it was a more positive affirmation in times like these of economic uncertainty.